Five Nights at Wario's: Left For Dead

10 months ago

Alien Wario makes an appearance in FNAW Left for Dead, Instead of being bones like the previous one he was able to get his skin back, at the cost of his eyes. He now wanders the original Area 51 building listening out for any possible victims to mutate.



Next up

Right then its settled, a double release it is then.

Redid the Slammaw and Eldraith since the older designs of both of them seem, well to put it lightly, not as good as I hoped they would be compared to when I first made them as Minecraft skins. So Hope you love them lol

decided to play around with Krita a bit for shadow stuff and eyeglow, lemme know what y'all think of it


Btw I'm gonna remake this model now that I found a new way on how to make him not cross-eyed oh and I might do some special textures for him to and so that he doesn't look out of place in the lore.

Every shadow is a caution.

Virus Mario (Origins) in the style of Virus Mario (Shows)

Happy MAR10 Day :3 (Btw here's every Mario model I've ever done, Not including Beta designs)

meet Eddie (you play as this dude)

Stylistic choices lol and yes this is 100% made using Krita