Cynthia Johnson
5 years ago

All done.... Releasing right now

Things went quicker than I expected, but I guess I got it all covered, and the first beta release is being uploaded. This version should be pretty stable already, the reason why I marked it 'beta' is because the true bugs never surface until a game reaches the audience...

As we speak the Mac version is already there and ready for download. It might be possible the Unix executable needs an "x" attribute though... if that is the case lemme know. Windows can't set that attribute but Linux can, so I can use my Linux VM to set that one right.

The Windows version is being prepared for upload as we speak and I hope I can get it all uploaded tonight before I go to bed... Just wait a few more hours and see... If you see version 19.6.26, you got the right version.



Next up

Can you see why this pyramid deal could never be solved from the start (regardless what the already removed cards are)?

Killing only brings you so far!

Celebrities (almost) killed by one of their biggest fans

Disney Princesses go to Hogwarts

A #phrase of #wisdom from the French scientist and philosopher #BlaisePascal Two stories, the one tied to this game (new version), and a prequel novel based on this game have this quote. Perhaps you understand why....




BallPlay future

A few facts and fables about fire.