2 years ago

All fnas Tails (My home screen on my phone)



Next up

Ai did something cool for once

Me when someone makes Canada wear the Russian hat that I forgot the name of:

*Got image from Google*

The CH community is bad...

Ok so as I said I would do, now the all chars image been split. Two categories got created which are scrapped characters, and the other being designs not made to be in the main series.

I have three things to say about this.

1. What?

2. Netherlands x Canada? never heard that ship before

3. Why?

A new item on the menu is here, Gallery!

what gallery will bring is some basic info about the characters who are not used in any FNaS game, this way we can learn more about them!

My mind is breaking right now

(My mind is breaking because Canada is there)


the main image got updated to include only the main cast!

which now, yea the all characters images are split in 3 parts.

also shadow mario got a new render :)

Whoever made these inappropriate images should *Loads gun* go to hell, send a gif or image of what you're bringing with to kill that person