Sonic EXE: Heroes last stand
3 years ago

All good things are coming to an end....

It's been 6 months since i posted anything, unfortunately it's anything but good news this time.....

I havent been working on HLS as well.....heres a few reasons:
1. The Exe community is full of drama and toxicity and all i've seen other devs do is fight eachother or cause other controverys which is one of the things i want no part of!

2. I'm not enjoying making this game anymore, I've been working on this since i was still in school and at this point i just want it to end at this point.

3. The only reason i kept going was so i could see it through and get the closure i've been needing.

4. i want to move on to other things

If i don't outright cancel the project expect the game's scope to be heavily downsized as lot of the extra planned content has been scrapped so i can finish the main game and be done with it, im sorry if it is dissapointing for people who have been following the game since the beginning but i'm too overambitious for my own good. But if the game is canceled i'm sending it out the most apropriate way i can think of.

I will keep the games up for archival reasons but it's for the best.

I hope you all can understand this and i bear no hard feelings.

Here's Amy's gimmick for this game....



Next up

Heres another update in so long.

Where the heck have i been and what are my plans for the future?

New Header for the GJ page drawn by yours truly. Wouldve had the whole thing in but the crop size limit sucks, so heres the full drawing!

Just Kidding! I'm not actualy deleting the game, but i'm not kidding about the rest. Solve this if you can: https://imgur.com/P1eiifu

The animation's been scrapped i originaly intended this for Halloween but i got something that basicaly teases what it was meant to. Merry christmas ya filithy animals and have fun when it releases!

It's almost ready, Stay tuned cause theres one last thing i gotta do.....

Five Nights At Team Rocket HQ's 2014 GJ Teaser image Recreated in 3D (may not be 100% acurate)

Basicaly my life IRL and why i take forever to post updates and builds, shown in the from of a 3d animation.

Today is a sad day...

Happy Halloween! New Halloween Demo!