Sonic EXE: Heroes last stand

5 years ago

Happy Halloween! New Halloween Demo!

Since its Halloween and its been quite a while im going to release a public halloween demo build from the 31ST of October till the 3RD of November. It wont stay long so Grab it when you can while you can!

the build will contain:

A Boss fight from Metal Sonic's sections (with the cutscenes)

A Special stage Boss Battle against the infamous Wily Capsule no.7 currently unavailable in the main build for those who want a seriously hard boss fight

Possibly something Extra.

Look forward to it and Happy Halloween!

Also heres something i made for later on in the game(was my first time animating with a full drawing)

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Next up

Just Kidding! I'm not actualy deleting the game, but i'm not kidding about the rest. Solve this if you can:

It's almost ready, Stay tuned cause theres one last thing i gotta do.....

New Header for the GJ page drawn by yours truly. Wouldve had the whole thing in but the crop size limit sucks, so heres the full drawing!

Where the heck have i been and what are my plans for the future?

Emerald save system now officaly implemented

All good things are coming to an end....

Heres another update in so long.

Five Nights At Team Rocket HQ's 2014 GJ Teaser image Recreated in 3D (may not be 100% acurate)

Important Reminder for HLS players!

Today is a sad day...