24 days ago

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FR allmost done


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hey hey guy so it's been like 4 MONTHS since I installed Game jolt on my PC! and this day was the day I was new! so can you celebrate my Aniversery! Byeee!

:( Why don't nobody post About Me

Yo Yo Yo guys whassup and do you want to know what my favorite that I want to be remade? Animators hell demo 1!! but with better graphics and more Animatronics!!

good mornin every body, your_local_lunatic134 says : Have so much fun!!! heha!

i-i see the world around you spinning and spinning.

some art for @BOXZEE Bonzee I tryed hope you like it

Yo they finally banned @Gone_Forever for what they post and say!!

Happy Birthday CRPT!