This is the distribution that I’ll be fiddling with henceforth, while the 1.1 will remain as a fairly stable milestone. At least in theory you should be able to load 1.1 save into 1.2 but the other way around not guaranteed at all.
Other news:
More bug fixing and tiny polish
F3 increase brightness F4 increase contrast F5 reset to defalt, hopefully this will improve the game for players who find it too dark.
Concussion grenade configuration
Explosive crates and other props
Props may now be targetted by troopers via the context menu, in order to damage or destroy them. Many props aren’t destructible yet but can be brought into a state of disrepair (if it doesn’t go away after 99% damage, it’s indestructable). ATM this is only useful with targetting explosive crates but expect puzzles and other stuff related to destroying or damaging props.
Some grenade configurations may be laid out as proximity mines.
Have fun & expect more to come soon!