Altered Fate • Beginning from an End [Archived.]
3 years ago

Alright, let me make this part a bit more clear.

The reason why the game is called "Storyshift: Altered Fate" is because of narrative. This name is strictly for this game, and temporary, it will change once this game is fully done, and it's sister game "Altered Fate" is created.

So before you claim that as an excuse to not get hate from Voltra, I am aware of the rules, and I don't use her reboot designs, Codebreaker's design is changing, and you can expect that change soon.

Apart from that, I just wanted to let you know because I know in the future I might get an army of people saying Voltra wants this gone, but don't because it doesn't matter, it's a line of characters and letters anyway, don't be a baby please, and thank you for reading!



Next up

I'm actually quite surprised.

I think she's mad. . .

Funny number. Hehe.

Made the thumbnail glitchy and animated so there you go.

Just out of curiosity, who's that one person who posted the page to youtube?

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop

Sometimes the suction cup get sticky. Small animation I made in Blender after doing my tutorial on picking up/dropping objects in animations. Crate model by jQueary (…).

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Ibuki Mioda!

Rockin the Guitar, an Axe like Guitar I made for my Uni project