WHY SONIC... (A I Hate you Sonic Version)
22 days ago

alrighty so i received some help from YumikoMi he's gonna help me work on the V2.0 update

i am gonna credit him as my helper so far the story will be rewritten and hopefully the game is gonna turn out great so far



Next up

i'm still alive

what do you all think?

@Bacon-Gaming-Alted Do you Honestly think you're fucking Funny?

Scary hedgehog, I think

what's 9 + 10?

you wouldn't want this kind of fuck to come to you at night....

@Ultra-V I am Sorry what the Actual F**k?

(Wow Double Drawings anyways)

Made this For My Best Friend @oc_thecoin /@thestarcoin2

Since his Birthday is Coming

so Happy Early Birthday oc!

It's just a dream...

this quest Sucks ass but worth da coins