theta (omega replacer):
do i even need to explain this one
nantenaina (ihy luigi replacer):
pretty much flipped, ihy luigi is about hatred meanwhile nantenaina is very friendly (with chester specifically)
trapped soul (costume replacer):
they are quite literally the costume equivalent of this mod lmao
jeriel (mr virtual replacer):
because mr v's song is called paranoia, and wouldnt you guess it, jeriel's main activity is constantly giving people paranoia, the being that gives you horrible feelings about whats bound to happen truly does not care about who it spooks
tuxtoonbi (dark forest peach replacer):
i dont really rember why i put him but i do know he WAS the mr v replacer in no stars v1, now he replaces the being that makes me go "hey, who put a bustyboy in my mario madness?"
Henrique (classified luigi replacer):
do i need to explain this
(also random thing but his name was spelled hanrique on no stars v1 for some reason)
tapebi (gb replacer):
gb is mostly inside a screen and so is tapebi except for tapebi replace mostly with always because he hasnt been freed yet
the gifted (mx replacer):

Dave and Bambi (horror peach and yoshi.exe replacers):
only duo i could exactly rember
Abdelrahman (mr L replacer):
mr L's song has you play as pico, and same thing goes for abdelrahman's song
Cameron (mc hallyboo replacer|):
same with tuxtoonbi except i dont actually rember why i put him here
Exbungod (dictator mario replacer):
because any country thats a dictatorship is most likely a fucking hellhole to live in, and now fucking guess what exbungod's song name is (its hellhole)
Bamyl (devil mario replacer):
both are unhinged psychopaths who commited mass homicide, one of them because they were posessed and the other because they like the grim reaper
Jerome (alone luigi replacer):
both of them fuckin lost everything man
Lincoln (mr sys replacer):
mr sys originates from an advertisement and well, lincoln makes advertisements too (he runs a company whaddya expect)
Derrick (stanley replacer):
again, does this really need an explaination?
Jkiohiky (apparition wario replacer):
because theyre both floating heads
Willard (turmoil replacer):
to remind you that these two beings, some of THE most powerful ones in amethyst edition, will work together to bring things to an end a lot, considering that they're both friends, BF's fate would have been this no matter what (if no stars was canon that is), predestined from the moment the mod started, the reason willard appears last is to truly remind you that the amethyst edition universe truly is full of dread, and chances are that to anyone else in the amethyst edition universe could also have a death already determined by jude himself