Project Collision
5 years ago

An Introduction to Collision


So what is this game about?

Project Collision is a Super Smash Bros. Fangame with the goal to recreate the original games as much as possible, from gameplay to visuals, as well a some new mechanics sprinkled in to spice things up.

The game is being made on Game Maker: Studio, with some good old sprite graphics, as of now we have a semi-working engine with some polishing left to do before we show anything.

We have a lot of surprises prepared for this game so give us a follow if you´re interested.


We are currently working on the first demo of the game, it will include VERY basic stuff like regular smash battles, a few stages and items, and 4 playable characters.

As for the completed game, we have a 47 character goal, revamped movesets for some veterans, more options to customise battles, making the game available in both English and Spanish and completely original sprites for every character.

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