10 months ago

An unfortunate update

Hey all. This one will be brief, because I don’t like to linger on bad news.

If you haven’t heard, the people behind Unity are currently trying to implement a per-install fee for Unity games. If this were to be put into effect, I would not be able to have the funds to work on post-release content updates, or even pay for things like utilities and food.

Unity as an engine is great. It’s versatile, easy to learn, and is a great tool for multi-platform game development.

Unity as a company is a total shitshow.

As a result, I find myself completely disgusted with using Unity. Until Unity comes out cancelling these atrocious new policies, I’m not using the damn thing. Same goes for a lot of developers. It’s not enough for them to “clarify” the policy, they have to get rid of it entirely.

Fissure is on pause. It’s one of my favorite projects, so there’s no way I’m canceling it. If Unity sticks to their guns on this one, I’m moving to GameMaker. This will be hell to port everything over, but I refuse to use Unity in the state the company is proposing.

Sorry for the bad news. See you next post.



Next up

ayo wtf

Fissure Beta 0.2.0 - "The Survival Update" has been released! Patch notes below:

that wasn't a bit btw, I'm actually doing something silly

yup, it works

Hoping for a big one...

listen it's a good song (which will be posted in the future)

Coming Soon: The Purge Update

Fissure Teaser - Overgrowth Theme & Overhaul

Who's this little fella?

It's way too chilly out here...