I'm really tired that my parents just rather me not bein online at all or to only talk to people I know in person, I mean I get what they mean, but still. I have trouble talking to people in person. I know I need to talk to people in person, but I still feel nervous anyways. I'm trying not to make this go on forever, but I'm tired that my parents are trying to gatekeep me from everything on the internet I already am aware of the crap that happens on there I'm aware and know what to avoid, I'm just trying to do my thing and making my own thing and helping other people. I already know what you guys want for me, and I get it, just let me also do my own thing with out being held back all the time. I mean I know I got a virus on the network once, but I was like 11 I had no freaking clue what I was doing, and you guys still try to do this, not to mention my dad starting to get a firewall to completely cut me off. I know my dad is in cyber security, but still though.
I'm just gonna cut it off here, and hopefully they can understand or come to an agreement with me talking to you guys on the Internet, and if not, probably one day you guys might never hear from me again from my parents being intense gatekeepers