Forgotten Hell-- Remastered

2 months ago


I have been thinking about doing this for a while, and now im doing it.

It should be easy, its just redoing some bad stuff, remaking the models and fixing the bugs.

This will be done in preparation for ReLive.

Credits: @TitoG for the base of the new Hell model (Also used in ReLive)

1 comment


Next up

I think @TitoG knows whats going on..

Hyped for the new demon slayer movie. The 22nd in my country🔥🔥

Look y'all. Hes back💀

Office back finish + Test pose Po

Hey everyone! At the moment of you reading this, I am not here anymore. I've decided to leave the community and continue living my life. Which, has improved a lot last year. Thank you all for this amazing time! I wish y'all the best life! Bye.


A Bonnie encounter and the Cameras (Work in progress)

Also, I finally setup the Game Page for this, it is unfinished though, I will finish it when I'll have time to do so.


Crazy how it felt like years ago but its just another year.. Another year I will never remember when I finally graduate.. My life changed a lot in the last year and im very very grateful for this epic adventure!Thanks you all!

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