
2 months ago

At the moment I am working on a structure that will be very useful to everyone, I hope you like it and support the game when it comes out

#IndieGame #GameDev #Sherry #Games #Gamer #Cave #Mining #PixelArt #PixelArtist

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Organizing these frames is going to drive me crazy, but it's worth seeing the result, and there are still 2 more stickers to make

#IndieDev #PixelArt #PixelArtist #Sherry #TvCherry #PixelAnimation #Sticker #Creator

I am designing a comparable object for your adventure, you will surely like it

#IndieGame #GameDev #Games #Gamer #Sherry #PixelArt #PixelArtist #PixelGame #PixelAnimation #Pixel

Working on an ad system: the new mineral will be the most expensive and difficult to get, unless you are premium and wait or see an ad if you are a casual player

#IndieGame #GameDev #Indie #Games #Gamer #Sherry #PixelArt #PixelGame

Due to certain problems on Android, I decided to make a PC version, the alpha will be released very soon so you can tell me what you think and yes you love it

#IndieGame #GameDev #Games #Gamer #Sherry #PixelArt #PixelArtist #Mining

This weapon breaks the game, so far the most powerful weapon in the game, I need an idea to balance the weapon, either lower the damage or increase the enemies' health #IndieGame #GameDev #IndieDev #Games #Gamer #Indie #PixelArtist #PixelArt

I'm not the best editor in the world, but I honestly love how it turned out, I feel like something like this would be interesting

#BladeRunner #Cherry #Creator #Picture #DigitalDraw

Good progress, now you will be able to see all the purchasable items in the game, from the cheapest starters to the most expensive that will exist

#IndieDev #GameDev #Games #Gamer #Game #PixelArt #PixelArtist #PixelGame #Sherry #Miner #Mining

You never know what will happen when Teishō Suru brings bazooka

#Meme #IndieGames #Games #BeachShark #MegTheShark #DoneJagge #Humor #PixelArt #PixelArtist

One thing I will do is release an special skin for each platform that Sherry appears on.

#IndieDev #GameDev #Sherry #GameDev #Games #Gamer #IndieGames #IndieGameDev #PixelArt #PixelArtist

I'm thinking of adding different levels for the pickaxe, so there would also be a level of customization not only on the initial character

#IndieDev #GameDev #Sherry #PixelArt #PixelArtist #Pixel