Alpha told recently that the Coronavirus has carried his aunt off. The other thing is that she gets infected in the same house than him... and that he could be positive. I'm very sad about it, just like his Community. He is an adorable person that doesn't deserved all of this crap. Plus, his father died last year...

Horrible events happened, and I know how it's hard to bear. A lot of stress that he has to handle. Obviously, he needs help, and here's how you can do: support him. Please, he REALLY needs help! If you are a good and amiable person, like him, support him! Share this post to encourage him more, to touch a maximum of people!

Alpha, if you read this, don't worry man! We're here for you!

Sources (from Alpha):



Next up

Thank you all for your support for @AlphaGamer1987XL, we reached 1202 views (morning of April 5th, 2021) , which is incredible!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, please read this:……

If I have to choose, it'd be definitely THIS CUNNING FOX!!!


Oh. my. GOD!!!!!!!!


My favorite LGBTQ+ video game character is... Ellie from the TLoU series! God, I love her! #PrideJolt

Rat Race Production Update

Behold! The Great Lord of Memes! #NeverGonnaGiveYouUp


Let's party, let's rock, let's eat, let's play... LET'S CELEBRATE! :D

(Amazing art by amazing Lady Fiszy)

"We are Still Here" ...

... and as soon as I'm done with exams, it's Dev time. We've got so much to look forward to!

Ok everyone, I just have a question about this...