8 months ago

Ataza Sans boss fight real!!11


  1. It was another day in Snowdin', no other, really. Just me and my brother. I told Papyrus I would be gone for a while to get a few thing's for the lab. As I got back, everyone just...vanished? I couldn't put my bone on it. No evidence, no nothin', just one second they were there, the next, gone. I searched all over the place. Snowdin; Ruin's; Waterfall; all the place's I knew. Yet not even a single speck of life. Not even the flower's in Waterfall could respond to me. But of course, there WAS still a couple of monster's I found. Mainly Flowey and Temmie. Temmie is easier to find since they are already quiet secretive. Flowey is a different case, but no matter, they were all I found. Beside's that. No life. It was fine talking to them, but as time went on, my mental state lowered more and more. One time, I even mistook my bro's snow man for my actual brother. And you wouldn't believe what deep conversation's we had. If any human were to fall, I would make SURE they would never leave again. Accident OR NOT. They won't leave. I won't HAVE them leave. They will stay here for the rest of time and suffered the suttle ambience, the cool wind's, the sudden darkening of the atmosphere, I don't care what happen's, they will not leave. Sometimes, I catch myself staring outside my window, hearing a little child's voice.

  2. I keep all my finding's in a journal, locked away in Papyrus' closet. The info is either quite concerning, or just confusing. I can't say how or why. I just have no idea. A few times, I saw a child's figure in the distance, but each time I got close, it just faded away. I dunno how or what that happened. Today I found something very peculiar. It's something similar to a note. The note was a bit rough, and I can't make out what it say's. It's too complicated for me to figure it out. I'll see to it tomorrow.

  3. [3:54 AM]I've been alone for god knows how long, I'd say atleast a month or so. The silence is deafening, but the monster's company can help a small bit, but it's not good enough, lemme tell ya. We ran out of topic's to talk about day's ago. Now there's nothing. and I have thought of exploring Alphys' lab a bit. Maybe if I can find anything interesting in one bit. I hope to find some neat stuff there.

  4. [3:56 AM]December 5th, 2005; The rest have agreed on the idea, once I entered the lab, I got this ominous feeling, I can't put my finger on it, nor do I care. It sound's like whispering, but I paid no attention to it. As I put my hand on the TRUE LAB's door, my hand instantly got shocked. Turn's out Yellow Barney know's a thing or two about security.....ow. I'm still trying to cool my hand down from the shock.

  5. So basically after this, Sans just explore's the lab's, watching the tape's and stuff, dealing with the almalgamate's and stuff. The DT extractor, all of that. The voices grew louder when Sans went by the DT extractor, curious, he tried to open it and

  6. [4:02 AM]KABOOM

  7. [4:02 AM]The lab explode's.

  8. [4:02 AM]Sans does manage to get out (although heavily injured), and managed to stumble his way back into snowdin, were he rested until he was fully healed.

  9. [4:03 AM]In those day's of getting healed, he would sometime's try and talk to the voices, and enough, they replied. This voice of course being Chara's (My headcanon).

  10. [4:03 AM]Sans sometimes found himself sleepwalking and ending up in random places of the underground.

  11. [4:04 AM]And after he was fully healed, his mental state just went pbbbbt

  12. [4:04 AM]And for the heck of it, he wondered if Temmie and Flowey could survive a gaster Blaster.

  13. [4:04 AM]They could not.

  14. [4:05 AM]And after that, mental state got even worse, so sometime's he just sit's in the middle of snowdin, snow falling down onto him occasionally, waiting for another sign of life.



Next up

Remade the ol' OC.

New desk soon.

Week 2 teaser. (Spikey, the player will be changed for week 2 and so on.)

Rando Art Challenge! Transform this into a masterpiece of the Renaissance era. Use the tag #renaissance to show off your creation! (Tag an artist in the comments to let them know)

'Wonder what he's running from.


#GBF Week 1 Redux is coming soon, sorry for all the procrastinating. School exams are happening.

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

Procrastination, School, Please let me do this.