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Still one of the worst videos ever made about trtf in my opinion, the fact that 90% of the shit he said was actual miss info is so stupid and showed a lack of actual research and care

New gj ui is def intresting

This is the only thing i like about the new UI honestly

My original comic which actually works in practice.

Hearing more of it, the worse it sounds

"This is my safe place"

The elevator is the only place in the game (except the intro) where the player can rest.

so pretty cool thing, couldn't find any sources to play five fights at freddys, a beat em up style flash fangame so i found an archived link of it on archive.org and was able to download the .swf file of the latest version

Finally got to uploading the five fights at freddy's .swf file to arhive.org, you'll need flash player (preferably flash player 32) to play it but its a cool lil game from the really old fnaf community


What a fucking joke.
