1 year ago

@Kane , I have a few questions

1: Will the Withereds appear in any way like the Toys as False Animatronics,?

2: If Sec Strings won't Evergreen, who do we play as?

3: Will there be merch of the other characters ?



Next up

Don’t go to the Five Nights at Freddy’s Steam page on July 23rd, 2027. Some real bad shit is gonna happen!

“Oh mY GOd! THiS gAmE tHat aDds aNIMaTiON iS WoRSe THaN a GaME mADe bY aN actuaL NecroPhILIaC! LeTs Go HARrAs tHE creAtoR aND cAlL tHE gAMe An INdusTrY PlAnt! You all are a bunch of whining babies, no wonder I forgot about this fanbase.

#FNAFFave (old art from 2023-ish)


A guide on how to place Charged Stickers and get POPGOES stickers on Game Jolt!

Pretty much the fanverse.

If you're still a fan of me and my content in 2025, consider joining my Buy Me a Coffee Discord server!

A super fun and casual hangout full of exclusive content and updates from me and my friends (including my cat, Benjamin).


(POSSIBLE) FNaF merch news!

Happy 10 Years, TRTF.