2 years ago

@Omarmu blocks @oof-plays-yt, @bella__ , @BurritoBoy30 and many others for making jokes; they get called out for it

@Omarmu 's prolly gonna cry to the @gamejolt staff to get me, @bella__ , @BurritoBoy30 or anyone who has made jokes about him permanently banned as he sees jokes as harassment.

It's been a hell of a ride, but a furry PNGtuber BadBoyHalo simp may end it.



Next up

is gj telling me to touch grass rn

holy crap lois this reminds me of the time i thought natsuki was meg

random ass lily drawing no. 349786870236894768486297648278467824689278967824

God help me, I made female Eitan-

random ass drawings with @ADA_Funni

Real FGJ leak.


animatic moment

[i love krita so much]

yoooo thanks dumb artist!