1 year ago

@W0lfgirl9876 found the plastic ball bandit 👀

So I have a funny convention story for y’all, so on day two we went into the headless lounge and hung out in there for a bit left and then we came back like 20mins later to like a bunch of people in there and there were these plastic balls litter all over the lounge it was so much fun TwT we were through the balls all over the place and at each other it was like a snowball fight but with plastic balls :p

But we found out later the staff didn’t do that and actually they were just as confused as we were who did that. So I helped the staff clean up but I was kinda sad because it was a lot of fun qwp

But as you saw @W0lfgirl9876 found who did it the person posted it on instagram lol



Next up

This is such a vibe!

I can’t believe this bug has been happening for 3 chapters now

(2 if you don’t count Fortnite OG)

It really shows how epic doesn’t listen to their bug reports :/

#MyGOTY Is “The Finals”

When there was a huge gaming content lull in my favorite games (Fortnite and Destiny 2)

The finals came out of nowhere but blew me away!

I just redesigned my first ever oc!

Sooo meet Lada!


Can’t believe my eyes… 500?!

Thank you all so much

I’m 5 days late to this goal (been so busy with life stuff )

But I’m can’t stress enough how much I appreciate you all who’ve helped me reach this goal

I mighttt name him Tyler!! Instead of Dino boy lol

I'll still be coming up with names tho

Tell me an opinion that gets other people like this!

Same energy fr fr

My part of the art trade with @Psychokinetic :3

Just hit elite rank today, I’m extremely proud of myself as that’s the highest rank I’ve ever achieved.

The grinds not over yet, I’m on the road to champion!