Apocalpyse Of The Damned
3 years ago

AYY SO An alpha build is out. it's pretty swell



Next up

As of right now, i am porting the game to HaxeFlixel. it runs at a consistent 60 fps and is optimized for bitmap images rather than vector lines like flash

I also made a sexy level editor for fast creation. i could make each level in under 2 weeks with this thing

Enemy ambushes are 80% done

Here's some progress that i did

#fanart noelle


Smile! Here, take some happy pills! ✨💊 #Blender #3DModelling #3DArt Buy me a Ko-fi:

Successful landing


We made a lot of improvements on the Freezing Plains visual. Things like pine trees, tiny bushes, some rocks, and others game props!

#IndieGame | #IndieDev | #GameDev | #PixelArt | #WaifuQuest | #WifeQuest | #screenshotsaturday

I was bored, so... ManutKat.