Ballplay Cupid
8 years ago

BallPlay Cupid

BallPlay Cupid


BallPlay Cupid is a new instalment of the BallPlay series. For those who played BallPlay Genius the game mechanics will feel the same, although, this game is not a new “version” but a complete new instalment completely set up from scratch. New puzzles, new assets, and even a new mission. The new version even has very detailed leaderboards so you can check your score with other people all over the world.

All three “great platforms” supported

This game should work on Mac, Windows AND Linux. Although a few notes are in order.

  • On Mac the game ONLY works on 64 bit machines. Now Intel based Macs that are not 64 bit are very extremely rare, but it had to be noted.

  • At the moment I typed this I could only test the Mac version. I will test the other to platforms as soon as I can.

  • Linux users will have to install Love2d manually as a dependency in order to get the game working. This approach was recommended by the crew behind love2d to make sure the game would work on all usual distros.

  • It should not matter for Linux users whether they download the 32bit version or 64bit version. The game should work on both all the same (as the game itself does not contain any binaries).

  • The startup file in Linux is nothing more but a shell script checking if love is installed and will launch love with the game. I have no idea how well the GameJolt client picks this up, and since I only have the 32bit version of Linux at my disposal I need a Linux 64 bit user to test this out for me.

  • Some older Windows computers do not support OpenGL 2.1. If that is the case on your computer, then apologies for the inconvenience, but then the game will unfortunately not work.

Beta (ß)

While the game SHOULD be stable enough to run without too much trouble, the current version is still a beta version. Bug can be expected. If you find any please go to my issue tracker on GitHub and report the bug there. Also (especially important in start-up issues) note which platform you were using and if you were starting the game manually or if you were using the GameJolt Client. It will things will get easier on both you and me if you provide this information right away even if it’s unlikely it makes any difference.


The leaderboards are controlled by Anna, a bot living on the server of my own website. She will also log your achievements on GameJolt if you enter your username and token. This setup was taken for two reasons. First of all security reasons. Anna verifies the data she receives and can ban people of whom she thinks they are cheating. I also did not want to limit the game to GameJolt alone and this way also non-Game Jolt-members can use the leader boards. A third reason is because the leader boards of this game or very expanded and complex, making the GJ system only counterproductive.

By the way Anna was named after the Swedish song “Boten Anna” by Basshunter.

I want to translate the game. Can I?

Sure, on my Github repository (you can easily get there via my issue tracker) is a document explaining a few things about translating. Unfortunately the language MUST use the roman alphabet. Accents and umlauts are not yet supported, but researching if it can be possible should not take too much time.

The game is already available in:

  • English

  • Dutch

Spelling and grammar errors can just be reported on my issue tracker, however I can only accept issues for these two languages as those are the only two languages I can speak myself, and thus the only two languages in which i can verify any error claims.

Well, enough talk. Try out this game. I hope you enjoy it.



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