Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures at Middle School in: Rise of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios

3 days ago

Banner Poster Shrine of JJS #2 (For Episodes Three & Four Only!!) - Created on: July 4th, 2024 "4th of July of 2024" Happy #4thOfJulyof2024 everybody!!!! It's SUPER-DUPER late I know!!! But I have something special for today folks!!!!!

I'd created the official #2ndVersion of the Banner Poster Shrine of Jax Justun Studios!!!!! Sadly though, there's not much too it, and all there's just some more parody characters and parody cameo characters put into the mix of things!!!! And of course, who's that in the right side of the banner poster shrine???? Find out more later on!!!!

Anyways, that's it for today folks!!! Sorry for the late post for today folks!!! I mean, I did promised you guys about the future updates and everything!!! And I was going to make some more, but it's just getting late on my side!!! So yeah folks, and of course, the #27thJJSvideo???? Don't worry about it folks!!! It's still being in development and there's still like many more parody characters left for me to make and the video itself will be created!!!! Anyways, goodnight and talk to you guys soon!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!

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2022 Parody Character #58 - The Suit-it-Up Pink-Purple Dragon (AKA: Aeddin) (Created on: July 7th, 2024) The Rage is almost completed!!! And I mean that yet another Parody Character of Jax Justun Studios is finally been completed!!!!!!

Jax Justun Studios Movie Poster #4 (Jeffrrey's Teaser) - Created on: July 1st, 2024 (Originally Created: July 8th, 2018) Well folks, today's the first day of July of 2024, and here's today's parody archived project!!!!!

To all of them fans of the FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) series and Portal series, I have a special announcement to make here for today!!!! And of course, it's about Parody Cameo Characters Numbers #9 and #11!!!!


#fnaf #fangame

Jax Justun Studios Movie Poster #5 (Gridget's Teaser) - Created on: July 5th, 2024 (Originally Created: July 8th, 2018) Another day, and another future update folks!!! Happy belated #4thOfJulyOf2024 by the way!!!!


Jax Justun Studios Movie Poster #1 (1st Teaser) - Created on: June 28th, 2024 (Originally Created: July 1st, 2018) Morning/Afternoon everybody!!! Today we have something which I haven't done for like a very long time now!!!

Banner Poster Shrine of JJS #5 (For Episode Seven Only!!) - Created on: July 7th, 2024 Hey guys, I know it's very late at night, but I had some chances to create like one last thing for today/tonight here!!!!

Five Nights at Freddy's: In Solitary Distress

Banner Poster Shrine of JJS #4 (For Episode Six Only!!) - Created on: July 6th, 2024 Hey guys!!!! Here's the official #4thVersion of the Banner Poster Shrine for Episode/Chapter Six only!!!!