Project Collision
5 years ago

Battlefield Concept Art

In All Smash games, there are two original stages that we all know very well, Battlefield and Final Destination, today we´ll take a look at Collision´s Battlefield and it´s evolutions through time.


It was a bit rough at the start but we had some things clear, there was a fountain, and some waterfalls.


we tried to experiment with it, some members of the team members suggested flames, crystals, rock formations and other stuff...


in between of all of this, we took some steps back and started making concept art for a possible revamp of the stage, we eventually chose a final design that will reamain a mystery as of now but it will come soon.


(One of the concepts for battlefield)


We had a design, but it was a bit complicated and we already had the old one half done so we took it and re-revamped it for a last time and preparing it for the upcoming demo, here is one last screenshot of a more finalized battlefield.


Battlefield, being one of the few original assets made for a smash game, is very important to set the tone of our game, you can easily tell wich battlefield comes from wich game, and wanted to do something like that.

Hope you liked this week´s post, we´ve been a bit busy with final exams and graduations but we are still working on the game, little by little. See you next week



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