PLant: i got Female and Chaser, which was so easy, yet it took SO LONG. then at the end i got hit 3 times in like 5 seconds? I think it was a glitch, idk. B+
snowiE: I got murderman, roundabout, and extra heart. this was so easy i did it in like 15 seconds- A-
CCow: I Got Female and Spreadshot. Since CCow's attack is both really unpredictable and really hard to dodge, i got hit twice. it still wasn't that hard. A-
Shit Baker: I Got Craphead, Chaser and Coffee. really easy cause I got like 4 super cards in like 5 seconds, and the chaser super is OP.
That Was Craphead but Randomized! Had a fun time. I'm hoping to make a craphead fangame, so watch out for that ;)
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