What's new:
Added three new songs: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by AC/DC, Reaper by Chaotrope, and Spear of Justice by Toby Fox (thanks @Misspeld for suggesting this song)
Added antimash (can be turned off in the Options menu if you want to spam for fun)
Custom songs are now fully supported
Improved hit detection. It is no longer possible to hit two notes of the same color at the same time.
You can now adjust the offset of the hit window. If you have to hit notes early, decrease it. If you have to hit notes late, increase it.
Average multiplier is now displayed at the end of a song
The game now verifies the integrity of built-in songs before allowing you to play them.
Added error detection for custom charts
The speed at which the overdrive meter depletes is now determined by the song's tempo and time signature (not all songs support this, however).
You can now press the enter key at any point during a song to restart the game
Other minor fixes and improvements