Mary's Arcade (Classic)
4 years ago

Beta Testing Feedback

Beta testing is now in full swing and feedback has been very positive. I only have two main testers at the moment, but that number will increase.

My testers seemed to like the game just fine, I was expecting brutal critiques, but instead I was met with:

"I did not expect for it to be as good as it was."

"All of it feels great"

"It definitely put me on edge"

"The feel of the office and cameras is more than good enough for any fangame"

The biggest issue with the game right now seems to be difficulty, both my testers struggled with night 1. It's hard to know how much of the struggle came from the actual difficulty of the game, and how much of it was because it wasn't regular FNaF mechanics.

After a quick patch, both my testers were able to get to beat night 4, but not night 5 as of this post.

"This is truly the only fangame I've had a struggle with. Not saying that's bad, it's just a different game"

I originally wasn't going to mention this, but since @Mechlus specifically told me not to talk about how much he sucked on the earlier nights, I now have to do just that:

Mechlus sucked on the earlier nights.

Jokes aside, It was concerning how much my testers seemed to struggle with what I thought were very easy levels. I know that as the creator, I have perfect knowledge of the game that a new player wouldn't have, but I thought I'd done a much better job explaining things than I evidently did.

Testing will continue from here until launch. I probably won't do huge devlogs like this about it, but I may include small updates on how testers are doing in the regular devlogs.



Next up

Br*tish translation. Thank you @YEPmulti for helping with the localization.

This never saw the light of day.

A direct sequel to Night Shift at Freddy's (photoshop version) from before I started making endless remakes of NSaF.

I found this in a 10 year old MFA for a canned game I was making.

I am the evil.

Ricocheting algorithm has twice the search radius, twice the angular resolution, and twice the distance to test. Oh, and it runs 12x faster than the one in the last post.

SP minigame will have ricocheting projectiles because I want to make you all suffer.

700 Followers! + Progress update

Mary's Dating Simulator!

Mary's Arcade - 1 DAY UNTIL RELEASE

Mary's Arcade - 3 DAYS UNTIL RELEASE

Mary's Arcade - 2 DAYS UNTIL RELEASE