Welcome to Lewis's

2 years ago

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Welcome to Lewis's - The Progression Update! is here!

I've always felt like WTL'S seemed more like a minigame compilation and lacked real progression, that's why i'll be adding...

-Stage Unlocking

Having all of them unlocked since the beggining didn't give players an actual reason to try completing the levels. Now, by beating the normal difficulty of a level, you'll unlock the hard variant and the next stage.


Basically an achivement system, there are currently 8 of them.

You'll get those after completing some stages, finding easter eggs and doing weird tasks.

-GameJolt trophies!

That's right! Every time you get an ingame medal you'll also get a trophy!

-No funny looking arrows in the menu

Kind of a nitpick of mine, but i never liked how they looked. I replaced those with a FNaF 4 menu-styled selection effect ;)

After this update, the game might have issues running on lower end devices. To get better framerates, i recommend you to turn off the extra visual effects (Shift + G) if you have an older machine.



Next up

Ele finalmente está pronto. Dessa vez é para valer. Vejam-no, com todos os seus polígonos!!!

Welcome to Lewis's: v1.1 is RELEASED!

In this update i've reworked some gameplay mechanics to make the game more balanced without ruining the difficulty progression. More details in the article below.

Yeah, it's exactly what you're thinking: Toy Chica is...

WTL'S Update: Achievements [and possibly exp] system coming in the next major update. Hope you are interested in collecting those medals!

WTL'S Update: New Level 6 Dining Area 2 (Daytime)

Keep in mind this is a screenshot taken very early into the development of this stage and includes many placeholder assets.

and also,


#fnaf #fangame

Mano pensa que tem articulações

Cordas para me mover.

Last level for the release build is 87% done.

More will (probably) be added post launch!


Precisa-se de AJUDANTES!

Está claro que o segundo Cinco Noites no Melo's terá uma escala bem maior que a do primeiro jogo. Com isso, quanto mais gente com boa fé para ajudar no desenvolvimento, melhor! Se tiver interesse*, entre no servidor no Discord.