3 years ago

Big News!

If anyone wants to do any fanart for ANY oc's of mine then go for it! Just keep it neutral, there could be any angst but no +18 please...some of my oc's are minors so please do not do that.

I'll make a post for my oc's if anyone needs a reference of what they look like.

It could be gacha art, pixel art, digital art, paper art, anything art related basically!

But besides that, I hope everyone is having a good day/night and I hope everyone is doing okay too!



Next up

A little memory of the main trio having dinner together when they were kids.

Do anything for Cove...

Currently in Universal Studios (island of adventures)! It’s great!

The Witching Well

(Happy Halloween!)

More characters for "The search of a lost voice"!

(In order) We have Vera P, Dima A, Elkon A, Caroline A, Gabriel P, and Raiden C!

i'll draw something else eventually, guys...

New Story! New Story being made!

Everyone! I'd like you to meet Ziven Axis and Sirius Waller! Our two main characters of "The search of a lost voice"

Hey everyone! I know it’s been months, but! I’m officially back! I’ve been working on my stories and characters, I even have a new appearance of Zion! Our favorite character!

Lana and bubble

repost if jerry #jerry