1 year ago

Block Breaker - FC

Took 2 tries, really nice song

(This is a repost, forgor to add communities)



Next up

Forgot to post this awhile ago, but me and @ImNotRoxy got to working on Defeat Erect again 2 weeks ago, pretty much finished with it for now. Don't really plan on releasing this so I'm putting this in the videos section instead of the "Your Mod" section

I've been exposed for cheating once again.

Wish more songs(especially base game songs) had charting like this, hard but simple enough to understand. Oh and here's the mod: https://gamebanana.com/mods/505361

Happy halloween 🎃

Hope you like!!

sorry if it's a small drawing

Spent 9 hours grinding bonk last night I automated it and went to bed :)

something fast

Redid an older icon set I made, they're really similar, with really the only difference being the sharper look, the softer color changes, the close to death icon being more exaggerated, and having better looking dents in the face for said losing icon.

Foolhardy 2023 | FC | 97.76% Complex Acc.

Would've done it with no ghost tapping, but it doesn't give you misses when you press down without an arrow sadly with the FPS+ Engine

drawing of GF B3

hope you like! ✨

Genocide - 8 Misses(Yikes) Keep in mind I play on an 144hz Monitor now so this looks choppy as hell, but the mod doesn't come with any sort of FPS changer so I had to deal with it.