Blockbuild 2 python editon is coming with big updates....
And with android...
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Next up
Ok so muffin killer had more downloads and thats a blast🔥
But yall ganna try my new game now
Its called blockbuild python edition LOL🤣
also you can mod the assets no really you can mod it as you wish
Made by vico.forumotion.com
ill be adding that too
I added a esc button and now ill add this idea :)
If any of you have ideas then please tell me in comments and ill pin your best ideas and add them
Give me any suggestion
FR: Des cadres pour avatar sont disponibles en magasin. Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez et faites passer le message ! ;)
EN: Avatar frames are available in the shop. Tell me what you think about it and pass the message on ! ;)
FR: Ce que vous voyez est ce que j'ai texturé jusqu'à présent. :)
EN: What you're seeing is what I have textured so far. :)
Pour / For: @Ra4ok_Dev
Dessin par / Drawing by: @BonnieBonzo
Istanbul :)
Today was great 👍
How's your day?
Baldi Gorilla