One Day At The Hideout (Official)
7 months ago

Blog 2

Okay, so I'm back at home with the monitor. I'm curious on what other footage this monitor has. So, I will be looking at it to see what I can find.

Alright, so the signals to the cameras are off. But the option for you to view tapes is still there. The earliest date I could find is "7/31/2018". Curious on what it is, I clicked on it and was presented with a tape of the same room where that Dedede drawing was, but this time it was a piece of plain paper. Then a glowing light appeared in the room, it had noticed the paper in the room. Then all of a sudden, it started to form a drawing, it was that Dedede drawing. Then it went straight into it, causing the paper to glow a emissive white. Then a arm popped out of the paper, then I noticed what it was, Its the Green Dedede creature. It started to come out of the drawing. It had finally came to life, then it noticed the camera watching him and walked towards it. A red hand, made out of the same material as the creature, grabbed the camera and caused it to fall and break. After seeing that, I thought that was the end of the tape. But then, out of nowhere, a shadowy figure showed up in the footage. It looked liked the Dedede creature I saw, but it was pitched black, its eyes where glowing white, and had emissive white outlines, and then...... It spoke.

"I....Can't believe it" (it said in a echoing, deep, slow voice)

" killed...."

"After being told I was a mistake by my creator"

"Being told that I was stupid"

"And being abandoned for 5 years"

"All I wanted was to be loved and respected"

"And this is what I get?....."

"You don't realize on how hurt I am....."

"I wanted friends, This is why I created 3 of my other friends"

"but I wanted human friends......"

"That's why I created those get more human friends by entertaining them"

"No one liked them........ They just sat there.... abandoned..."

"And to see those creations get destroyed..... just hurts me alot."

"I miss when I was loved, I missed when I had good times with my 3 friends, and I really wished I had more friends and to see everything what the world had."

"You may not realized how hard I tried to be loved"


"But do you realized who started all of this?"

The I remembered that text on the wall, this has to be connected to this tape?

Then the shadowy figure said....


"I started all of this"

Then text on the screen spammed "I started all of this"

The figure started to repeat that word many times as the audio got louder and glitchier.

At that moment, I figured out all of this. It was him.

That Green Dedede started all of this.

I know this because the figure looked like that Dedede Creature, and how he described his events when he was alive.

As the figure said his word the final time, the figure glitched out and had the appearance of the Green Dedede and then the monitor crashed with a blue screen.

At that point, I just thought that was it. I figured out that text on the wall I saw during my visit in that underground building.

But then I found long text on the Blue Screen that said the following......

Soul: Imaginary

These souls are created out of the imagination of a person

Some of them can find a piece of paper and can create a drawing on what they look like. Once the drawing is finished, the soul can jump into the drawing and become a Ink creature of the same character from the drawing.

If a Imaginary Soul wants to become a animatronic.

The Ink creature has to catch one first and see if they want to be a animatronic by telling their mind. Once they get a idea on what type of animatronic they want to be. The Ink creature creates the animatronics, thus the soul can enter the animatronic to have a body for itself.

After reading that, I knew what was going on. These creatures or Ink creatures, what ever they are, are created when the soul find a drawing and becomes that drawing by spawning out of it.

As I was about to turn of the monitor, a beep played and found a new piece of text on the screen.

It read as follows:

We have found him, we have tricked him in this building. Although we are not physical beings anymore, we can still get revenge on him. We know... what to do with him.




Next up


So that makes 2/7 of the Jumpscares are done

BTW I was the one who animated K.Lee's and Nutter's Jumpscares, not my animator for the team.

But he said he got some done, so that's good news ig lol

Don't worry, We are still working on 2.0

We hired someone new on the Team

One Day At The Hideout 2.0 Devlog 3/The Final Devlog

virus j chapter 2 teaser trailer

Meta Knight for the 1 Millionth time lol

Ramiz & Friends: Revisualized - Out Now!

Developed By: @GhostGamesX , @jnity , @BubyGamer11 , & many others!

Attention Frebby's Community

Do not worry, we are still working on this game, just give us some time.

2.0 will release on the deadline date!

For now, enjoy this GIF of Ink Kirby Bouncing, Animated by me.

Even gods fall, but they'll never die...

Amazing Mirror Poster