Project S.M.B.(Super Mario Bros True Pc Port)

2 years ago

Bowser boss fight coming (not so)soon...



Next up


Giygas (overworld) resprited

Pvz Eternal Remake seeds sprites + some backgrounds made by Drafex14

Mario's bizzare adventure

What is this fangame?

Project S.M.B is a reimagination of SMB with widescreen, new levels, and more(play it pls :3).


Que es esto?

Esta cosa es proyecto S.M.B es el mario en esteroides(más niveles, parallax, etc), juegalo pls.

PvZ Eternal remake early gameplay with the new mechanic, evolution swip.

Change beetwen the evolution and the common plant easily without using another seed slot (maybe will include minigames from PvZ DS).

Fixed n Free view testing, now you can store Etanks and more things 4 the fangame coming (not so) soon.

Improved the view cause was a bit buggy before.

Doin a sprite cuz bored (not finished yet)

Project S.M.B. (Super Mario Bros NES Remake) Castle Theme

(New Super Mario Bros Castle theme 8 bits chiptune)

We started with the development of the local co-op mode and with the generation of random "level screens" :D

Ya estamos haciendo el co-op y la generacion aleatoria de "pantallas de nivel"