Illumination: Black Sunrise
10 years ago

Brainstorm successful!

Today, I was contemplating how I could possibly add magic into the game, yet not give full access at all times to all possible Auras once obtained.

The solution: Sigils— magical items with symbols written on them which can be placed in an item (not yet sure what) to be used on the field or in the midst of battle.

There is one catch I wanted to add to the use of them. In the field, you can switch at will, as there is no immiment danger present. However, during battles, you can not switch them, as your life may be in danger at any moment.

So, taking your eyes off of your opponent to switch around your inventory would be foolish, wouldn’t it?

So, that’s the latest news for the game. A new feature that I think will work well, or so I hope.

Stay tuned for more soon!

Jeyson of CHG, OUT!



Next up

First Screenshot! Granted, it’s not much, but… I now have a rudimentary main menu(shown below)!! HYPE:

Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^

Have a good Boi

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Ibuki Mioda!

Showing off player 2 😎

What do you think?

I worked so hard to get all four of them to the end safely, but then...

2d lighting experiment

Explosive domino effect