So, the game is made to have an open variety of options since the beggining. In the moment we’re working for 4 options in each pannel, but this is just for a while, we’re thinking about 6, or 8 in the final version (it may not look a lot, but it actually multiplies the number of ending by 4 / by 16 )
The situtation is that we’re just two for the engine and the art, and it isn’t easy- One option you choose can leads you to many others and these ones to even more. This is complicated. In the moment we plan the demo to have 40-50 different options and 28 different endings.
We hope we can finish it (demo) on march- maybe on april. It’s a lot of work to do and we’re just starting, but I hope we can do this. Stay tuned for it!
P.S. The demo will be available first just for a bunch of people, we hope we can give it to some youtubers; Later on it will be available for public