4 years ago

by now you know that i'm here for making a part 3 to my Pokemon: Dark Version.

so heres another small recap: lance is dead. you saved a castform from a fire and it has more power then any other castform. and you just stopped team hex at the windmill and got a new pokemon known as arecx.

so after leaving the windmill you are stopped by a LUGIA.

lugia fly's down at you and for some reason you understand lugia's roars into real words.

Lugia says the following to you "... ... so we have a kind person at last. i always believed that there would be someone who would draw the line. the region was to.......evil. i have a few words to tell you. trust nobody. while there are people who are still kind they still can not be trusted. why you ask? because while they are friendly in the end they will ditch you at the first sign of danger.

i will leave you one last shard of wisdom. help max." and with that Lugia roars and leaves the windmill.

so after having that converstaion. you head to tornado town again. windster instantly walks at you "so. you did it. you saved our town. how? how is it that as soon as you show up all our problems are solved? i don't understand you." then max runs in. "it doesn't matter why it happens it matters that we don't need to evacuate! thanks (insert the name of the trainer here)!" and with that windster just says "see you at the gym." and leaves. max says to you "sheesh old windster needs a reason for evreything." then he looks away from you and says "you know....i wanted to help you at the windmill. but....i was scared. i had already lost one of my friends to the winds. sn-snowey the snowver...he was knocked into a tree. the winds knocked that same tree over...and he died... nobody even started a funeral for him." and for some reason max just leaves. so after beating the flying type gym leader windster (Bet you thought i made a wind type) you leave the gym.

after leaving the gym your rushed at by max's parents. they ask you if you'd seen their son. you respond yes and explain what happened. to your surpise max's parents just say "oh come ON hes griefing over his snowver again?! you'd think he'd realise thats its just a dumb snowver!" and with that they leave.

so after that you head back to the pokemon graveyard to comfort max. hes in a rage with his parents at snowvers grave "SO WHAT IF I KEEP GRIEFING OVER HIS DEATH?! I DON'T SEE ANY OF YOU GREIFING OVER WHEN YOUR POKEMON DIE!" max's parents respond "BECAUSE THEY ARE JUST POKEMON! THEY COME AND GO IN THE END" YOU OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW THIS!" max now responds with "WELL WHAT ABOUT (Insert trainer name here)?! I DON'T SEE THEM THINKING THE SAME! THEY EVEN SAVE POKEMON FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I'M SICK OF THIS REGION! I'M SICK OF THE EVIL I'M SICK OF THE PEOPLE THINKING POKEMON MEAN NOTHING! YOU WANNA KNOW WHY WE HAVE NETHERIAN FORMS HERE?! ITS BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU! YOU THINK POKEMON DON'T HAVE FEELINGS! THEY DO AND THE UNOVA MONKEYS ARE LIVING AND DEAD PROOF OF THAT! WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN?! I HATE YOU MOM AND DAD!" then max notices you. "hey (insert name here) back me up!" his parents respond "oh yeah this kid is sure gonna stop us and this region don't make me laugh! and with that pansear, (or depending what type you picked pansage or panpour) castform and arecx yeet themselves out of their pokeballs. and if looks could kill max's parents would be dead. "HA your gonna beat me with those idoiots? now you really have me pitying you. very well then BATTLE TIME!" and with that your in a battle. (parents tom and lola would like to battle) the parents battle using a dratini and a bagon. both level 18. after beating them they are BAFFLED at how you managed to do this. but max's dad says coldly "it doesn't matter what you do we are in charge of max's life and as long as we threaten to make sure he'll never be a pokemon trainer hes under our command." hes about to laugh when a ear splitting cry comes from the lake and out comes that shadow you saw before (for more info see previous posts over my story) yeets itself out of the water and in front of max's parents. blocking them. (picture this guy doing that)


this pokemon speaks enligsh to max's parents "the boy will be a trainer. and if not you will die." max's parents terrified run away. the pokemon gives max a tepig and runs away.

anyone know why i keep doing this? no? welp guess lockdowns boring me already.



Next up

I haven't drawn anything in a really long time so i thought i'd draw something basic like the root pack from cuphead to warm up a bit. Hope you like it!

Oh hey I started drawing again. So here's a drawing of Malotrick from the roblox game Doodleworld. I hope you like it!

So around 2 years ago i made a psychic dragon regional dragonite form. Aaand it was awful! So i decided to redraw it entirely to look at least better than my previous drawing. Hope you like it! Second image is the old drawing.

My friend wanted me to make a snow base for him. So i made this thing! Hope you like it!

Also don't mind the blocked off cave. He has the rod of harmony so he can still get there lol.

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Pokémon!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins.


I don't have time to make a new drawing as i'm very busy irl so here's a drawing that's probably my favourite drawing i ever made.

It's time to list my #FavoriteGame's!

Animal crossing is defintely a new favorite since i just got into it again but the rest i play pretty regularly.

idk if i like the coloring, but i think it's cute regardless, lol

On of my favourite games on roblox right now is doodleworld. They recently added awakened doodles which is basically mega evolutions in pokemon. So i decided to make one for one of my favourite doodles. Here's awakened malotrick!