11 months ago

(Captain jose roberto)

(Leader Of the search and sell Group)

(Status: alive)

(Country: the US)

(Planet: earth) (Extinct)

(State of condition: Healthy)

(Age: 47)

(Gender: male)

(crew members left: 1 remaining)



Next up

(FNF: VS Jose. Exo) (fallen heros) (soul Jose Roberto part)

(FNF VS. Jose.Exo) (you can't hide)

(Lord JX Sketch) credit to @Nyxyx_em0_org for making this

(Lord JX) credit to @Ligz_de_maan7000 for remaking him

(Shape shifting torso contorting)

(Fatal J fake form)

(Fatal J true form)

(Fatal mimic)

Credit to @Ligz_de_maan7000 for remaking him and the other forms

(FNF: Vs Jose. Exo) (you can't hide) credit to @Ligz_de_maan7000 for remaking this