8 months ago

Caseoh Game is out on scratch go play: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992582612/

How to play:

  • Caseoh: Click on the chicken nuggets box and feed the chicken nuggests to Caseoh if he in your office.

  • Jerma: Go to your camera and click on the button: "When the imposter is sus" audio to keep Jerma away.

  • Skinner: He doesn't appear in your office, if he gets to close in camera 3 (or 4 I think?) then go to Camera 7 and click on the Chalmers button audio to send him back.

  • PGHLfilms: Keep your camera down if he in your office.

Hope these instructions help you! Going to add them soon if I feel like updating the game!



Next up



Alright, I just can't take this anymore!!!


😈 I also I got something from the mall

As an Otaku that I am (If I take a bath) I am a big Fan of the Protagonist of my favorite Anime series Boku No Hero


December 1st, Jolly month, time flies. Gonna go on vacation December 17 - 25

What If: Hoshiko with OFA (INF. %)

A MHA Alternate Universe

If MX has twitter

Hey everyone, so I am just going to make an announcement:

me when i play a horror game with my broski

@FunFuzzy265Official for making the art

Unfortunately, I got banned on ht e Nico's Nextbots fanmade wiki for 1 month, why?