0.3.3 3/21/18
Boosted attack damage for Monster, Coco, and Lite
(Monster claw: 25 damage per slash. Monster acid: 5 damage per acid bubble)
(Coco attack: 13 damage)
(Lite sword: 40 damage per slash)
Nerfed (reduced) attack damage for Levi and Zach
(Levi bomb explosion damage reduced by half)
(Zach attack: 20 damage)
Levi self-destruct penalty is now -3 points.
Levi normal arrow cooldown timer reduced to 0.5 seconds.
Levi bomb deflection (Lite blocking) angle lowered slightly.
Reduced opacity of Zach portal flashbangs by half.
Adjusted platform boxes on tree branches in Resort.
Removed crates in Killhouse.