Equestrian Tales
9 years ago

Changing It Up (+ Request A Test Demo)

Alright, so turns out I have an outdated version of RPG MAker VX Ace and no Anti-Lag Script will work. So, I’ve decided to change that really cool map screen and make it something basic, like a text box. I apologize if people were looking forward to that but it’s literally the only thing I can do to make this playable.

This also means that a little more of the game will be done than expected before the Demo Release so there will be tons for you to do.

If you wish to play Pinkamena’s Bonus Story as it was meant to be played, and don’t mind lag, let me know and I’ll upload it to GameJolt!



Next up

I updated the Pie Sisters' sprites including Pinkamena. Next up is Maud.

New DEV LOG available in the media banner on the game page.

Also available on my YouTube page:

Starbright's house (and crisper Ponyville default houses) completed!


v0.9.1 officially launched with Spike's addition.

v0.9.0 Now Available!

Currently tracing the Ponyville houses so I can give each resident a house whose colors match their own color scheme giving the player some sort of hint as to who lives there.

The PIE SISTERS are now complete! Expect one to join at the start of CHAPTER 2!

0.9.2 Patch updates:

- Fixed a dialogue bug on the east path in the image shown above

- Hopefully fixed a bug with Firestarter's text

- You should be able to continue the game after beating Trixie and seeing the credits

v0.10 is out now! Hopefully bug-free but probably not!

ALSO, IMPORTANT NOTE: Ignore the Spike patch folder.

OC NOTES: Dreamer Prose is Dragonfire2lm's OC and Starbright is one of mine from my "Pinkamena and the Quest to Save Equestria" game