Five Nights at Mousy's - The Cycle

2 years ago


Hello Everyone, the DEMO for the second chapter of the game: New and Shiny is finally here! And I'm here to show some things to all of you and answer some asks I believe may appear before you play.

  1. How many nights does this DEMO has?

    R: As you may remember, the DEMO of the first chapter was basically the first 3 nights of it, with no major differences between these nights in the DEMO and these nights in the full chapter. However, this DEMO will have only ONE night, this night will work like a ONaF night, where every hour will add more animatronics to deal with. The difficulty of this night will be somewhat like a Night 5 of a normal FNaF game and will serve as a training for when the full game comes out, which will have normal nights that add more animatronics by night instead of by hour.

  2. How will us be able to know what to do in the DEMO?

    R: Fanny will be there, of course, but there's a button in the main menu called "Botdex"(Botpedia in both Portuguese and Spanish languages), this button will bring you to a screen where you will be able to see how each animatronic work. The night can be some kind of a "light version" of a Custom Night, so be prepared!

  3. Will Sanity and the Bizarre Animatronics return to the game?

    R: I know this is a little specific, but this is a ask someone really asked me and the answer is yes! The Bizarre Night is not anymore called this way and will no longer be accessible in a "Night Selection Menu" when the full game cames out. In these new nights, which are called "Nightmares", the hours will still count, which means you can still win the normal night by being there, normal animatronics won't move if you end up in a Nightmare, and will only move when you leave the Nightmare. BUT don't think the Nightmares are some kind of Safezone, differently of the Bizarre Night in Chapter 1, the Bizarres that exist in each of the Nightmares CANNOT be stopped, so, or you wake up, or you'll eventually die.

  4. What about newspapers?

    R: Seeing a newspaper before each night will no longer be mandatory, now there will be a little button on the main menu where, as you proceed, you will unlock newspapers to read. There will be a total of 11 newspapers, 8 related to nights and 3 as easter eggs, some of them even have special things that occur if you be patient. The DEMO only has 2 newspapers, one for completing the night and the other for finding an easter egg.

  5. I've noticed the game title changed, what happened?

    R: I don't plan to have only The Cycle as a FNaM game, so, I wanted to make a "Pattern" wich I named O2GN (Only 2 words per Game Name). I think this will make the titles more compact and oganized. So, "Mousy's Experiment: The Cyle" is now just "The Cycle". (And between you and me, I went over the game's lore and... I have no idea where I got that "Mousy's Experiment".)

    Extra: A little addition

    I found that the game was not very epilepsy-friendly, so, in response, Chapter 2 will now have a setting that reduces UNNECESSARY flashing lights in the game (I couldn't take them all off because some were made to make the game simply not... ugly [like the light that flashes when an animatronic enters or leaves the office, without it, the animatronic would just pop out of the screen]). However, lights like the alarm or simply flashing lights on cameras that exist just to give a cool effect are either changed or disappear completely if this setting is enabled.

    I plan to update Chapter 1 and put this setting in there as well, but I'm still thinking on how to do this, since the first cutscene of the game already has flashing lights and it occurs BEFORE the player has access to the Settings Screen.

I would like to apologize for the delay, I know that many will not find the DEMO worth all this time, I really faced problems with my free time and even motivation problems, but I finally managed to finish it and I hope you guys have fun while playing, it was made from the heart, and really, once again, I wanted to apologize for the delay.

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