Chapter 2: Revelation is coming to IndieDB June 25th - July 19th!

Here’s everything you need to know!
New Features and Improvements
A Brand New Chapter, with your choices in the previous chapter shaping the outcome of the story!
New Hub City, Eastrun City
New Dungeon - Lost Light Chapel
Countless new Bosses
An estimated 8 - 10 hour story over the course of the game
The Story of Iskar and Mieva
Mieva and Rivia introduction overhauled
New Classes!
New Skills!
Chapter 1 Sidequests
Chapter 1 Forest Ruins Boss and Dungeon Overhaul
Gold and XP Overhaul
Private Playtest
We’re launching the Private Playtest during the period before we launch the Chapter live, and we’d like your help! You can register for the playtest here, or send an email to [email protected]. We will select playtesters predominately by their availability.
Upcoming Updates
Ancient Coast
Ancient Desert
Chopper’s Bay
Frozen Wastes
Ruins of Majoria
Expanded Main Character and Companion Backstories by visiting even more areas related to their past.
Monster Battler Art Overhaul
Expanded story for Gardis, Mieva, Illia, Phea, and Palvos.
Fleshing out Classes and Mechanics
More Custom Battlebacks
More Secret Areas
More Time Based Events
And many more to come!