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I have returned and I have big news for you all. The Insignia Project is now available on Steam! The game is not yet downloadable but, on July 9th, Chapter Two will be released there!

So make sure to Wishlist it!…

Greetings! A little while ago I made a game called the Insignia Project. It's a bit of a unique topic so I would love any suggestions or tips you guys can give it. Thanks!

Heya everyone! Just giving a quick update since it has been a little bit. Chapter Two is still in development but we are expected to enter Early Beta fairly soon. If you want to stay more up-to-date, make sure to follow our Instagram!

15 Minutes. Be here

Chapter Two Stuff? 👀

Chapter One Updates! These updates will be available with the release of Chapter Two! Performed a massive graphics overhaul and in general everything now looks astounding. Can't wait to release it all to you!

Man was yesterday a massive influx of people. Thank you all, new and old, who have played! I'll make sure Chapter Two is out before you know it! In the meantime, here are some screenshots from Chapter Two!

Go check out COR!

We made a lot of improvements on the Freezing Plains visual. Things like pine trees, tiny bushes, some rocks, and others game props!

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