BallPlay Genius
9 years ago

Client-friendly version available now.

When I first uploaded BallPlay Genius, I simply uploaded a .dmg file for mac (as most mac users expect me to) and an installer for Windows (as most windows users expect me to), which was fine at the time, since we had no client.

However a few days ago, the client was released and offered no support for this getup, and thus I uploaded BallPlay again and at least the Mac version has been confirmed to work with the client, the windows version unfortunately hasn’t.

At this moment there are no schedules for a new BallPlay, however, once Star Story is finished I got some new plans ready and one of them is to investigate a possible browser version of BallPlay. As I have to rewrite the entire system from scratch then, this will get a new game profile, but if this project comes to be (no promises yet), I might open a new page on that. If you are interested then follow this game, as I will also announce it here. ;)



Next up

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