Five Nights at Sonic's World / FNaS World: 2.0 Update (Unofficial)
9 days ago

Closing thoughts on 1.5.0

Hey guys.

Seeing as right now nobody is having problems with 1.5.0, I can safely close up 1.5.0 and proceed with 2.0, 1.5.0 was both a little bit of a gift to keep you guys entertained and a hiatus for my PC, as I'm getting a stronger one next week, you can safely play 1.5.0 and later on come back to 2.0, as new replayability features will be added into 2.0

FNaS World 2.0 is some sort of a kickstarter for FNaS World Retailed, the remake I was aiming to go for, if 2.0 does well, Retailed might become a thing, if not, then 2.0 is all you're getting.

I'll release another devlog next week once I have my new PC to generally update on my projects, so, until then, take care everyone.

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Five Nights at Sonic's found media???? (read article) #fnas

Quick update / 1.5.0 released.

So, how's everyone enjoying the emergency update?

How has been your experience revisiting FNaS World?

Here's some characters reveal for post-release conte- Wait, why its pitch black? Well, you gotta have to find this one yourself.

Patch 1.5.5 released.

Quick announcement.

Patch 1.5.3 released.

Patch 1.5.4 released.

Happy Valentine's day!

Let's make an interactive post, send your favorite FNaS characters from game order:

FNaS 1, FNaS 2, FNaS 3, FNaS 4, FNaS 5, Extra

The extra slot is to put characters from non-canon/spin off games.