
Comments (12)

What do you think?

so i beat freddy and now whenever i open the game it just says the end in the bottom right corner is there anyway to revert this and play the game again?

more fnas world, i am going to die

so uhm. I was playing the game in the liquid labyrinth and I got a new challenger. encountered Nightmare mario. but RIGHT after I killed him I got ANOTHER new challenger after him. being nightmare Yoshi. that normal?

how do I full screen? if it's something one can do in 1.5.


Five Nights at Sonic's World (1.5.0/Emergency Update)

Version: 1.5.65 days ago
A quick update for the original FNaS World to compensate for the hiatus.

DISCLAIMER: Any appearance of any Team Cyantix members should be treated as in-game universe characters with different personalities and not as the people related in real life, I am not affiliated with those people as well.

This is for nonprofit; fun


-Overworld: ???
-Characters: ???
-Party Creation: 90%
-Endings: ???
-Minigames: 80%
-Optimization: ???


Five Nights at Sonic's World: Restored is an update to the original FNaS World that sorta works like the "Five Nights at Wario's 2.0" updates, changing a lot of the game to have a better experience, such as:

  • Bringing back some old characters from older builds

  • Replace unnecessary characters

  • Optimization

  • Better representation

  • Changed soundtrack

This game also will receive new content as post-release updates, this will included:

  • New characters

  • Features from Babsicoot's other FNaF World fangames

  • New worlds

  • New bosses

  • And more...?



-Babsicoot: Original developer of FNaS World
-TheCyVap: For Five Nights at Sonic's itself
-Luigikid fanart: Unknown?, couldn't find the user but Luigikid himself credit the artist here

Special Thanks:

-Nick Person Developed
-My Discord pals
-And that circle of friends I made recently who supported me a lot.


Also check out:

FNaS World 3D (By Nick Person Developed):

FNaTI HorrorNight Survival:

The Discord Server:

The OST playlist:


#fangame #pointnclick #rpg #fnas #fivenightsatsonics #fivenightsatfreddys #fnafworld #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf


Cyantix's Road / Discord Server Activity Announcement (Updated)


Five Nights at Sonic's found media???? (read article) #fnas

You know when stuff doesn't go as planned?
yeah, same as well
Anyways, 1.5.6 released.

Closing thoughts on 1.5.0
