It is time to do a coding devlog to show you what we have done so far regarding the fazbear street. It might seem a lot but trust me its Not.

Participating on X-Five! (@xFive )
What is XFive? XFive is an event where big game developers will show their game trailers! So in the year 2024 we are going to show you a teaser trailer of the fazbear street including gameplay and some animatronic characters you havent seen YET. And yes this game has lore hidden on it!
The event is hosted by @Fadedexpert and @Matson
Expect a trailer within this year.

we have applied scrolling on our coding process (left and right and kinda up and down). We will soon add a camera button and lighting animation but thats again too far away since we have to code some other thingys too.
Finished movement animation

We have also completed freddy's movement animation on the main menu screen. We might update that later on. Some of you might be questioning..wheres the title and the "new game" button? we are still working on the main menu because my thumbnail maker did a fucking update which ruined the fps by a lot unfortunetally.