FNaF 3: Fazbear Museum of Wonders

27 days ago

coming soon

Hello again and this time I bring news that you have been waiting for for a long time

yes FNaF 3: Fazbear Museum of Wonders is very close to its end (in terms of programming) soon testing of the final version of the game will begin, the port that @GreenJerry will do and especially the final trailer about the game where so far I won't say a date but when I announce the trailer on my channel (in live form) you will be able to say that the game is complete

This is really something that I'm happy to know and also something that, even though it may not seem like it, is good to see that other great Devs like @Wester and @TheresNoSteak know that this exists and that makes me very happy

but also a little nervous, like are you really going to like it? or is this so an extended fnaf 3? That's something that, even though I know it's not true, still worries me, so if you want to say something about it, I'm happy to read your comment, after all, you're the ones who make this great

Here's my channel for when you want to watch the live:

and the discord server:



Next up

Here again... let's get straight to the point

Every shadow is a caution.

he speaks?

long night

road to 500 followers :>>>>>

oh fuck


Where Is Fangame Direct 2?