12 days ago

Commission for @Hokopuffs



Next up

Neither was I, that's why we have nerds, they are our walking dictionaries

I redrew an old freak of Charlie, and ngl I like it (New and Old respectively)

I guess Sara is theirs

Super Tsume IDW

(Super Sonic Redraw--> Original on last slide)

Lemme rephrase my last post, any ARTISTS that have a main persona character, send them in comments so I can draw a handful of them side by side for the fun of it tomorrow morning

pui pui

Send me anonymous messages,,, I'm genuinely curious what sort of things you all will say or maybe ask


(Suggest using a browser with ad block ♡)

The time Reginous was joining Charles' psrty

I like the pico game overs so here’s one for Tanya cause I can

I will not be taking in any more characters, if you wanted to have your character drawn then I'm sorry but you took too long